You can’t invest if you don’t know what your investment is. This article will help to answer that dilemma by providing a list of the best investments for beginners. You will know which investment has the least liquidity that can minimize your loss of capital.
When you’re just starting out investing, it can be difficult to know which investments are the best for your portfolio and for your long-term goals. This post will help you figure out where to start when these volatile markets create so many options that it’s hard to make heads or tails of them all.
The best thing about this time of year when predictions of a market crash are rampant is that it forces everyone to make choices for the new year. It also puts the idea of investing into everyone’s heads.
When the markets are volatile like they are now, it’s hard to know if you should be buying or going with your gut. It’s important that you take advantage of current volatility and make your first investments in bonds and stocks wisely.
What is Liquidity?
To understand which investments might be the best for your portfolio, you first have to know what liquidity is. When it comes to investing, liquidity is important because it can affect your investment’s price and interest rate.
Many investments have very little liquidity, but the best investments are liquid and easily traded. These liquid investments are also a good way to invest in the markets at a low cost or learn more about investing and where you can safely invest your money.
Which investment has the Least Liquidity?
The first thing a person has to consider when making a low-risk investment is his or her age and level of financial literacy. Some people are not financially literate and could be putting money in potentially high-risk investments without realizing it. Of course, the younger you are, the less adult you may seem, but that does not mean you can’t be financially literate.
Second, when you’re just starting out and investing for the first time, it’s important to choose investments that are low-risk. The reason for this is simple.
No one wants to lose money. So, it’s only natural that you want your first investments to be low-risk. If you invest and lose money, you’re going to be discouraged and less apt to continue investing in the markets at all. The last thing no one wants is for their investment journey to begin in disappointment with a loss of money.
Best Low-Risk Investment Methods
A low-risk investment can be a range of things depending on the person. The best thing is to know where your financial literacy is at, and where you feel comfortable on the risk spectrum.

1. Certificates of deposit
Also known as CDs, these low-risk investments come with a set interest rate over the course of a certain time period. The sooner you invest in a CD, the higher your rate will be. If you invest when other people are investing and rates are skyrocketing, you’ll get less money with the same CD. CDs can be good to invest in only if they’re within your comfort zone as far as investment length goes.

2. Savings Accounts
Another CD alternative, savings accounts have a low-interest rate and can be used without a direct transfer of funds. The best part about this type of investment is that you can get access to your money at any time. You’ll also receive the highest interest rates when you invest in a bank savings account at Better Banks Direct.

3. Money market accounts
Money market accounts also give a very low-interest rate but are also insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per depositor per bank or vault. The only thing that is not insured is the money itself. It’s important to note that with any of these accounts if you choose to invest in other things like stocks or bonds, you’ll need more liquidity. The more money you have tied up in your investments, the less it will be able to move around during market fluctuations.

4. CDs with a high-interest rate and high liquidity
Here’s where low-risk investments get a bit riskier as far as investments go. Your interest rate will be high, but if you don’t take full advantage of your CD that has liquidity or access to your money, it can cost you a lot.

After researching each of the options from the list above, you should have an idea of Which investment has the Least Liquidity and where to start with investing and low-risk investments. It’s important to remember that you’re only going to invest what you can afford to lose, but it’s also important to be realistic about how much money you want to invest in the markets.